Eagles can fly up to 10,000 feet high! A tsunami wave can reach up to 100 feet and the tallest sandcastle on record was 50 feet.
The voltage can vary a lot with lightning, but the most powerful bolts are to 1 billion volts!
If you were also 1,000 pounds, then you could lift a fire truck, too [1,000 x 50 = 50K lbs]. Rocket ships are 1 million pounds so there’s no shot with that.
Nonillion sounds like a fake word to most people, but it’s actually a real number.
Yes, air does have weight. Have you ever tried blowing up a balloon? Did it get heavier?
Although 3 is bigger than 2 and 1, trillion will always be the biggest since it has the most zeros.
Atoms win by a long shot. There are roughly 5 sextillion atoms in just one drop of water. On Earth, there are an estimated 100 quindecillion atoms—that’s 1 with 49 zeros!
Insects live only for months, humans live for decades, and trees live for hundreds or even thousands of years!
Atoms and bacteria are so small that they can only be seen under a microscope. Ants are also quite small, but are visible to the human eye.
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